Bouna Ziad

A Maronite Catholic priest (OMM). Instructor @ Notre Dame Univ. of Louaize, Z. Mosbeh, Mt Lebanon. Holder of a BA in Sacred Theology (Angelicum, Roma), MA in Pastoral Theology (USEK), MA in Communication Art (EMU, Michigan), Specialist Degree in Educational Leadership (EMU) & Doctoral Degree in Educational Leadership (EMU) w/ focus on Maronite Education in Lebanon.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

About love:

“He who fears is not perfected in love”. I Jn.4:18.

“Only the beautiful is loved”. Plato.

“to be beautiful means to be pleasing for sight”.

“Loving someone or something means finding him or it good”. Joseph Peper.

“Whether for good or for evil, each man lives by love”. St. Augustine.

“L’amour est par excellence ce qui fait être”. Maurice Blondel.

“Love is a force excluding death, protesting against it, and actually denies it”. Veladimir Soloviev.

“There is always some madness in love; but there is also always some sense in madness”. Nietzsche.

“The most marvelous of all things a being can do is to be”. French maxim.

“This is the basis for the joy of love... we feel that our existence is justified”.

“I need you in order to be myself... in loving me you give me myself, you let me be”. Robert o. Johann.

“What being-loved makes being do is precisely: be”. Frederick D. Wilhelmsen.

“Insomuch as God loves me because I am I, I am truly irreplaceable in the world”. Ladislaus Grqunhut.

“Being loved, one feels ashamed”. J.Peper.

“Only lovers feel ashamed of doing anything shameful in each other’s presence”. Joseph Peper

“However people praise us, they are telling us nothing new”. La Rochefaucauld.

“The lover is more divine than the beloved”. Plato.

“Where the ‘playboy’ is concerned, the fig leaf has merely been moved to another place; it now
covers the human face”. Rollo May.

“In fact forgiveness is one of the fundamental acts of love”. J. Peper.

“Only forgiveness takes the other’s personal dignity seriously”. Joseph Peper.

“The mystics say: ‘God’s love can be a thousand times streamer and harsher then his justice”. George Bernanos.

“To love means to wish another everything other’s sake not for our own”. Aristotle.

“A heart that loves one person cannot hate anyone”. Goethe.

“Good without evil can exist, evil without good cannot”. Aquinas.

“Great love enables a person to be nobody’s enemy”. J. Peper.

“Whoso remaineth in love... is no longer a man, but a god”. M. Luther.

“Pondus meum amor meum: my love is my weight; where it goes I go”. St. Augustine.

“All love has joy as its natural fruit. All human happiness is fundamentally the happiness of love...” Joseph Peper.

“We love to love, in fact we actually are receiving something beloved by loving”. Joseph Peper.

“If you love me, you will keep my commandments”. John 14:15.

“Happy alone is the soul who loves”. Goethe.

“L’amour relation ce qui n’a pas de relations”

“Le cœur a des raisons que la raison n’ont a pas” J. J. Rouseau

“The true antithesis of love is not hate, but despairing, indifference, the feeling that nothing is important”. Rollo May.

“(...) I ponder what hell is? I maintain that it is the suffering of being unable to love. Once in infinite existence, immeasurable in time and space, a spiritual creature was given, on his coming to earth, the power of saying, ‘I am and I love”. Dostoevsky.

“(...) during this time (return home) I experienced two kind of happiness, the one was being able to help, to alleviate suffering. The other and perhaps it was the greatest and most blessed happiness that has ever come my way, was: not to have to hate”. Russian monk.

“Unhappy love not only exists as a fact, but that lovers alone can be unhappy”. J. Peper.

“Never are we less protected against suffering than when we love”. Sigmund Freud.

“The inability to mourn rests upon inability to love”. J. Peper.

“Love and joy belong together, but love and sorrow likewise”. Aquinas.

‘Ex amore procedit et gaudium et tristitia: out of love comes joy as well as sadness”. Ib.

“Even the unhappy lover is happier than the non-lover, with whom the lover would never change place”. J.Peper.

“If you do not know how to love yourself you cannot truthfully love your neighbor”. Augustine.

“What is not loved for its own sake is not loved at all”. Augustine.’

“We know from our own experience that we certainly are not made happy by receiving what at first glance we seem really to have longed for”. Ernist Bloch.

“If you truly love, your reward must be he whom you love”. Augustine.

“All true love is without calculation and nevertheless is instantly given its reward, in fact it can receive its reward only when it is without calculation...”. Bernard of Claivraux.

“Love is a tendency toward union: venotixe kai svnkratixe”. Dionysus Areopagita.

“Pour s’unir il faut rester deux”. Jules Michelet.

“The good of one self is to be the good of another. This impossibility, we call love”. C.S.Lewis.

“The absence of love is precisely what makes up the essence of hell”. Dostoevsky.

“Love for children is perhaps the most intense love; for it knows that it has nothing to hope for”. Werner Bergengruen.

“Everything that makes the sexual encounter easy simultaneously speeds its collapse into insignificance”. Paul Ricoeur.


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